Colorful scattered shelters

Location: Throughout the city.

Over the years, the Ministry of Defense has placed shelters throughout the city, enabling the residents and visitors to the city to protect themselves from Kassam rockets. Recently, it was decided to turn some of those in the center of the city into works of art. They were decorated with special street art by the pop art artist, Gil Goren, as part of a joint project between the municipality and the Sderot Foundation. In the same way, collaboration was forged with other artists too, such as Kobi Oz and the Teapacks band, Ran Elmaliach and Knesiyat Hasechel, Haim Oliel and Sfatayim, Micha Biton, Dr. Itzhak Hofi, and Shimon Adaf.

The street art shown makes direct use of the outside of the shelters, with each of the scattered shelters dedicated to a song by one of the city’s musicians. After collecting the archival material and meetings between the pop art artist and the musicians, the songs were turned into artwork by a printing process in a broad format then pasted on the shelters over a total area of 40 m2 using the paste art technique.

The purpose is to convey – by means of the project – optimism, joy, and hope. The shelters scattered throughout the city are a daily reminder of the reality that residents and visitors experience in the city and the art in the municipal space is one of the ways of slightly sweetening the dismal atmosphere naturally associated with the shelters.