
Location: Center of the city.


No less than 70,000 tourists came to Sderot in 2020. That is a large number for a small city and the number is expected to grow at a rapid pace.


Many of the tourists choose to sleep in the area. To date, having no other choice, they have stayed at kibbutzim in the area. A motel in Sderot will change that. The motel is also intended to provide accommodations for groups coming from abroad to study at the International School for Resilience that will be established nearby (see below).


The motel is currently located in the old Shikmim School building in the center of the city. Construction of the new facility is scheduled for completion during 2022. The building process is complex, involving the construction of safe rooms – shelters – next to each room.


The motel will have 26 rooms and will help other business owners in the city assuming that the guests will make purchases in the local stores. The cost of building the motel, in collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism and the Sderot Municipality is estimated to be ILS 5 million.


How to get there: On Waze, look for Ayalim Sderot.